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What is Kaleo Leadership School?

This is a three week intensive school for pastors, and church planters. This school is for those who have a desire to see and steward revival in their churches, communities and nations. The curriculum is based on the Catch the Fire Leadership School and the Iris Harvest School Model. This will be combined with cross cultural training and practical classes on church planting and leadership.


Who is this school for?

​This is an invitation for church planters, pastors, leaders and pioneers. to be ignited so you can enter into your destiny and your calling and shine in this dark world. 

We believe that the best Pastors and Leaders are those that are healthy and whole.  We have created this school as a space for leaders to be able to be refreshed, restored and refilled. By raising up leaders that are whole, we can send out people into their calling ready to effectively pioneer new works for the kingdom. We know that revival is beginning and our desire is to be able to equip you to be a part of this Revival.



Kaleo is the Greek word for calling. In Isaiah 6, the prophet Isaiah encountered God, and was touched by His holy fire.

After the fire touched him, the Isaiah said 'I heard God's call "who shall I send, and who will go for us “From the depth of my heart I cried out "here am I! Send me!” After this encounter with God, he was never the same.

We invite you to come and be part of this school to develop strong leaders. Come encounter His fire and be transformed for what He has commissioned you to do.

God is calling His sons and daughters to come to deeper levels of intimacy with Him so they can GO and fulfil the Great Commission.

God wants to build a new wine skin, with healthy leaders. Our passion is to raise up and develop leaders that are whole, healed in their hearts, minds, bodies and spirits.

Then equip and empower you with the tools and wisdom to plant and pastor cell groups, house groups and traditional churches. The harvest truly is plentiful, are you ready for your part?


At Kaleo Leadership School you will:

  • Receive training in:

    • Church Planting

    • Healthy Church Growth

    • Supernatural Ministry

    • Healing and Deliverance

    • Kaleo International and Iris Global Core Values

  • Be Trained by experienced Pastors and Leaders

  • Have opportunity to grow in evangelism

  • Trained in Kingdom Culture

  • Cross Cultural Ministry

  • Learn how to walk in Miracles signs and wonders


Kaleo International is part of the families of Iris Global and Partners in Harvest.


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