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Hearts on Fire

Livingston First Church

According to the best scholarship currently available, Jesus was born in the winter of 5 BC. His ministry began in AD 29. His final week prior to the cross was from March 28th till April 3 in AD 33. His rose from the dead on April 5th, AD 33, and ascended to heaven on May 14th AD 33. The Church was born on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th, AD 33.

I have no doubt that Jesus will correct these dates, if necessary, when He returns! But assuming they are accurate, let me point out a couple things to you.

  • Though eternally God, Jesus in human form turned 2,024 last winter—perhaps even on Christmas day!

  • Jesus began His ministry on earth 1,990 years ago.

  • Jesus died on April 5th, 1,986 years ago.

  • The Church will celebrate our 1,986th birthday on Mar 24th.

Here are a couple of insights.

1. If a day to God is like a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8) (and it is!), and Hosea 6:2 is correct (and it is!) He will revive us after two days and on the third day He will raise us up so we can live in His presence…, then a great revival is coming as we close out “Day two” and the Rapture of the Church is only a few years away as we enter Day 3…!

We cannot know the day or the hour of His return, but He made clear what the general season would look like as He prophesied about the increase in lawlessness and the spirit of offense, the rebellion of much of the Church as She, with itchy ears turns to false teachers, and as He spoke here in terms of chronology. We are clearly in the season He addressed!!!

2. May 24 is known as Aldersgate Day to many, because it was on that day in 1738 when John Wesley’s heart was “strangely warmed” by the Holy Spirit and Wesley was given a deep sense of assurance of his salvation. That means that 1,705 years after the Day of Pentecost, to the day, John Wesley experienced his own Pentecost, and millions since have as well, in part due to his witness!

I just find that very interesting. Is May 24th a special day? Why not pray earnestly for a deeper move of the Holy Spirit in your life and in the life of the church between now and May 24th and see what happens!!

3. One final observation. (Okay, that makes three…) A huge number of Christians live between Easter and Pentecost, saved but not assured; encouraged but not empowered. Don’t be one of them! April 5th, 33AD means very little apart from May 24th, AD 33! Pentecost is the fulfillment of the Resurrection, not an add-on to it…!!!

As Wesley made clear, Pentecost was still happening in 1738. Here is some even better news: Pentecost will continue to happen until the Trumpet sounds and the Lord descends! That date may well not be too far in the future. Do not put off till tomorrow the Promise and Power you need today! Seeing the Third day dawn requires us to receive what the Lord gave for Days one and two…! Holy Spirit, Come! Lord Jesus, Come!

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