On Tuesday the 13th, the Harvest School Mission Team along with John Cahill, Chris Huck, and I traveled to the Cane Ridge Meeting House near Paris, Kentucky. In August of 1801, an estimated crowd of 20,000 to 30,000 people gathered at this log cabin church and the surrounding grounds to hear the Word of God as He poured out the Spirit of God. This was the beginning of the Second Great Awakening, which eventually impacted millions of people and flowed in waves for the next fifty-plus years…
218 years later, almost to the day, we spent a couple hours praying in that old building (built in 1791) and sensing that the Final Great Awakening will impact far more people and will come in as a Tsunami with waves of the Spirit dwarfing everything that has gone before. We believe that Appalachia will once again play a major role in this final move of God, preparing His true Bride for His imminent return!

Listen to these accounts of the revival…
Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist ministers preached. They spoke from stumps, fallen trees, wagons and small platforms outside and around the church, with several speaking at the same time. It is believed that only about 10% of the population of the United States had any connection with any church at the time. And here, on the western frontier, the number could possibly have been as low as 5%.
As many as three to five thousand people made their confession of faith during the six nights and seven days of the revival. Many displayed a number of physical exercises, known as “jerks, barks, singing and falling into faints which sometimes lasted for hours. The revival came to a close when the food supply ran out within a week, and the horses had no more grass to eat.
The Cane Ridge revival may have closed when the food ran out, but the Second Great Awakening spread and flowed—in big and small waves—until the Civil War.
While the number of people with a church connection in the U.S. is now certainly higher than 10%, many pastors and leaders would suggest that less that 10% of the U.S. population currently is walking in any kind of spiritual maturity or fervor. In addition, church attendance in the U.S. has dropped precipitously since the late 1990’s… WE NEED A MOVE OF GOD!!!
Those of us who were able to go with this team had an amazing time watching the Lord touch, save, and heal folks from Livingston Tn to Twinton; from Brydstown to Albany; from Livingston Ky to Greeneville Tn. It was the first of many missionary expeditions, leadership and mission schools, and church plants—all confirmed by miracles, signs and wonders—as the Lord awakens His Bride with a midnight cry, awakening the souls of millions who will complete the Bride as She welcomes Her Groom, Jesus!!!