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Human with Hope

Livingston First Church

Mark 1:14-15

14 Later on, after John was arrested, Jesus went into Galilee, where he preached God’s Good News.[f] 15 “The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”

We are non-denominational protestants, so we don't have lots of main-line denominational liturgy, traditions or follow a strict liturgical calendar. Though we do recognize the seasons leading up to Christmas and Easter; the Birth of Christ and Resurrection of Christ, as special times of the year to celebrate and remember His love for us. We should, in my humble opinion, with great joy take time each year to focus on the hope of His first coming and His raising from the dead on our behalf. For those who do follow a liturgical calendar, this last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. While we might not put ash on our heads like other denominations might, I do believe that the symbolism of Ash Wednesday points to an important truth that is definitely worth stopping to reflect on. 

That truth being; We are human and apart from God’s intervention in our lives we are dead, we are dust, and we are without hope.

Because of the fall in the Garden, all of us are born into sin and separation from God. Apart from God, our divine nature is dead and we are destined to dust and to die for all eternity. Our sin nature has overcome us. All of us are condemned by our sin, whether we are aware of it or not. Without Jesus it is a terrible fate to be human. That is until Jesus; fully God became fully man. Jesus walked in perfect obedience on this earth before Father God. He did this so He could take the penalty of our sin and death that we deserve, onto Himself at the cross. Thus through His shed blood on the cross we can repent of our sin, become cleansed in Jesus before the Father, and can inherit eternal life in God once more. It’s a pretty great deal. Most certainly worth celebrating and taking hope in as we prepare for the celebration of the empty tomb on Easter Morning. During this time of year it’s important to remember not only the resurrection but also these invaluable points that are the for-front of Ash Wednesday…

  1. I am human, therefore I am sinful and in desperate need of healing from my sin. 

  2. God in His grace-filled-mercy gave us Jesus so that by His blood through repentance (the acknowledgment of and turning away from my sin), I can be healed of my sin and made right before God. 

  3. Because I believe in the Gospel message, and have embraced the blood of Jesus and the power of repentance over my life, I have no reason to be ashamed. I can confidently celebrate my new life in Jesus.

My prayer for us as a Church is that as we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior on Easter Sunday, we would also take note of the daily measures of grace that God has given to us to overcome sin, daily. As we recognize our great need for Him, we would also encounter His great love for us. 


Pastor John



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