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Know Your People

Livingston First Church

Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭22‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

““‘But Lord,’ I argued, ‘they certainly know that in every synagogue I imprisoned and beat those who believed in you. And I was in complete agreement when your witness Stephen was killed. I stood by and kept the coats they took off when they stoned him.’ “But the Lord said to me, ‘Go, for I will send you far away to the Gentiles!’””

I love that this statement is snuck into Paul’s speech that he is giving to the group of Jews that are arresting him at the temple in Jerusalem. Of course, they are arresting him under false charges, but Paul being full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom uses the opportunity to share his story of salvation with his captors. Which by itself is an incredible feat of boldness, and worth writing about. Though this last statement about the Lord’s wisdom in sending Paul to the Gentiles rather than the Jews reveals something very interesting that I want to spend time examining. 

As we know, Paul was a well educated Jew living in Tarsus, and so he was also a Roman citizen. Paul was well respected, well connected, and had all the privileges that could be afforded to a man of his standing living where and when He did at that time. Until, of course, his life was dramatically changed on the Road to Damascus, where He encountered the Lord Jesus. Paul, who was once a man of privilege among his own people, has his life, his ministry, and community flipped upside-down in a moment as Jesus knocked him off his horse and out of his social position. Jesus did this to show Paul He is the God Paul is really supposed to be following. 

Knowing these facts about Paul leading up to his encounter, one may assume the best place for Jesus to send Paul to start his new found ministry would be the place where he would assumedly have the most influence. His own people. Of course, God’s wisdom is much higher than ours and He does not send Paul to the Jews in Jerusalem, He sends Paul to the Gentiles and eventually Rome. But why? Why not send Paul back to the place where people know him the most. Where people who lived and knew Paul personally can see such a radical transformation? 

Obviously yes, as Paul stated it would be very difficult for the believers in Jerusalem to receive Paul's message considering all the pain Paul had caused among their community. No doubt this was a serious hurtle, but also I believe that the Lord was protecting Paul’s ministry from being usurped by a familiar spirit. What do I mean by that? Well the hardest people you will ever have to minister to are the people who are most familiar with who you were before Jesus. The people you grew up with. Family, childhood peers, etc… 

In general, people who grew up observing you at your best and worst, are too familiar with you apart from your new life, and usually have the hardest time receiving anything you say to them in regard to faith and spirituality. This is why I often tell people in regard to evangelizing their unsaved family, your new actions as a believer will always speak louder to your family than your words. Your attempt to preach your family into salvation is typically drowned out by a familiar spirit. Or in other words your family's unwillingness to view you any other way than the way they remember you to be. It can be frustrating and exhausting and can cause long term family division. The best advice I give to people with unsaved family, who you desire to come to the Lord, is to allow your actions and Christ’s love through you to do all the talking. Stay connected to them with strong healthy boundaries, love them without expectations, pray for them, and allow them to ask the questions that lead into conversations about your faith in Jesus. This strategy usually bears fruit and avoids families from blowing up when the tension caused from familiarity becomes too much. At the same time as it was with Paul. Ask the Lord to lead you to people where your voice and testimony will have the greatest impact for salvation. Little did I know as a newly, saved believer in south Florida that my voice would best be received amongst people in the hills of Appalachia. 

The Lord also has a people that He has prepared you for. A people who are not bogged down by the familiarity of who you once were. People who can best receive your testimony and message. As you faithfully go to those people, you can trust that the Lord will also send another person to the people you care about but are too familiar with you and your past. 


Pastor John

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